This is actually my 2nd attempt at Goji Mead. First attempt was fantastic! I wanted to do another brew, and didn’t have any local fruits to use, so I used some (rehydrated) dried goji berries. This is also the first batch I posted here in real time, or at least a few minutes after I finished it, and not a retrospective post.
This was brewed in accordance with my basic mead recipe, with the following additions:
- started with a chaga decoction
- soaked a quart of dried goji berries in some of the chaga tea, then blended in VitaMix (high speed blender)
- used 3 bags of tea done up with the chaga tea
- added juice of 3 lemons (goji berries have ascorbic acid)
Also, I used a siphon hose coming out of the stopper, with the other end in a bucket of water, to avoid re-creating an artificial axe-murder scene.

Let’s see how this batch turns out!
UPDATE: Good thing I used the siphon hose, less than 12 hours into primary fermentation:
Note that the hose and the water in the bucket are now red…. if I hadn’t done this, the pressure would have built up until the airlock exploded, and I’ve had another axe-murder scene on my hands. Phew!
UPDATE: Here’s the label: